Lifewave Patch Success Stories

Our fur baby story! From the Kerner Family
Our new dog is an English Setter and he’s used to running and pointing out birds.
Although we take him for a riverfront walk in the woods a couple times a day, he hasn’t been on a long 5-mile hike like he was used to until recently.
A few days ago my hubby took him for a good long hike and he was so happy!
Yet, his feet were very tender and sore afterward. I could tell by his grunts and groans that he needed some pain relief, so I put the patches on the back of his neck.
I was blown away at how fast he calmed down, stopped whimpering, and found relief!!
They worked in minutes!!
He is a happy, fun-loving dog and it warms my heart that Carla Heins taught me the power of patching our beloved dog!!
She shared her story with me before he joined the family tribe. Yet, now I too know first-hand how truly powerful they are for animals too!
We have some booties coming in the mail so that we can prevent him from future discomfort.